čtvrtek 18. října 2012

Make a contact

First of all you must conntact me and let me know that you are interested in this "stuff" :)
That ´s the main point where we can start our conversation a of course it´s first step to your new T-shirt design! 

So don´t hesitate contact me on any of these networks:

2) at my email adress---> kiube.niji@gmail.com
3) Iam also at deviantart.com---> http://www.kiube.deviantart.com/
4) daily spaming at tumblr.com---> http://kiube-niji.tumblr.com/
5) "everyone" is on facebook---> KiuBe (autor)
6) all my thouts are going to twitter.com ---> https://twitter.com/KiuBe_Niji

středa 17. října 2012

Hi to you all!!!

I was absent a long long time, I'm aware of it.
I want to change it, So I'm posting this picture to show my pure intentions :)

So... I wish I would be more successful in this begining of my "spaming time"!!! :D


PS: I wish you a nice day... wherever you are!!! ^^